Hello and welcome to my little corner of the web! I’ve led an interesting life in which I’ve written 36 books, learnt 5 languages and almost gotten married 4 times, among other things.

Here you can find my autobiography about how I battled and overcame mental illness, parental abuse and a whole host of other issues here, complete with an introduction. It’s long, so I’ve split it into four books above.

If you’re just here for mental health tips and resources, they’re there too. I write about a variety of topics including fandom, anime, and self-improvement. Check them out in the menu along with my other books.

If you’d like to buy them, (https://www.amazon.com/author/zhoutaian) is my page on Amazon. Please consider supporting me if you’ve enjoyed or gotten value out of anything I’ve written. It would also help my efforts to spread mental health awareness.

I also mirror a lot of my content on my Substack. https://taianzhou.substack.com/ It has some stuff that’s not here, but generally deals with the same themes.

I’m also on Youtube, it’s basically me singing anime/game covers. I’m a pretty good singer and have won competitions before. https://www.youtube.com/@tomatoofjustice9855/featured

All material on this website is copyright Zhou Tai An. If you’d like to use it anywhere, please contact me first. I can be reached at (zhou tai an 255 @ g m a i l. c o m) (no spaces)